中国传媒大学经济与管理学院和美国密苏里州立大学商学院从2011年开始合作,为优秀本科毕业生提供独特的赴美留学攻读硕士学位机会。双方在成功合作工商管理硕士(MBA)项目十多年的基础上,从2024年秋季学期开始合作会计硕士项目(MAcc)。满足项目录取条件的学生,先在中国传媒大学完成秋季学期4门会计硕士研究生双语课程学习;然后赴美学习一年,成绩合格者将获得国际权威认证(AACSB 商科及会计学科双认证商学院)以及中国教育部学位学历认证的密苏里州立大学会计硕士学位和海外留学归国人员身份。
2.良好的就业前景。10多年来,中国传媒大学已经派出多批学生赴密苏里州立大学参加工商管理硕士项目,毕业学生中有人选择回国创业,并已经顺利打造出了一家纳斯达克上市企业;有人选择留在美国工作或继续深造; 也有人选择回国在政府机关、高校和大型企业等单位任职。总而言之,项目在提升学生职场竞争力方面有着明显成效。与工商管理硕士(MBA)项目相比,会计硕士(MAcc)项目在美国和中国都有更大需求和更好的就业前景。
3、大学成绩单(加盖教务处或就读院校公章)复印件1份,按密苏里州立大学研究生计算方式GPA 3.0以上。
项目报名 | 中国传媒大学报名及资料预审 | 2024年8月20日截止 |
项目入学审查 | 中国传媒大学审查申请材料和考核英语能力 | 2024年8月21日 -2024年8月31日 |
国内学习 | 参加中国传媒大学双语会计硕士研究生课程 | 2024年9月中旬-1 2 月 |
美国入学申请 | 提交密苏里州立大学研究生入学申请材料 | 2024年10月1日前 |
录取 | 密苏里州立大学研究生院和商学院分别审核.通过后发出正式研究生录取通知书和签证申请材料 | 2024年11月1日前 |
签证申请 | 美国签证面试 | 2024年11-12月 |
赴美 | 开始密苏里州立大学会计硕士课程学习 | 2025年1月中旬 |
毕业 | 完成学习并达到会计硕士学位标准后获得密苏里州立大学会计硕士学位 | 2025年12月中旬 |
答:国外学费包括所有学位课程的费用以及计算机帐号、电子邮箱和校园内上网,体育设施、图书馆和医务室的使 用等。学生缴付医疗保险费,享受美国大学提供给国际学生很好的医疗保险。学生自行掌握的其它费用(按平均情况估算,每人消费水平不同,仅供参考):
(1)住房:按照离商学院大楼距离一公里左右以内的校外公寓(两卧室)情况,一般使用面积约 70-90平米,包括客厅、厨房(带冰箱、洗碗机等)、1或2个卫生间,有地毯、空调、暖气,但绝大多数不带家具。如果四人共住,每人每月约400美元;如果三人共住,每人每月约500美元;如果两人住,每人每月约600美元。
答:与其它美国 ACCSB认证商学院类似项目相比,本项目学费因得到州立大学部分资助而费用最低,密苏里州大所在城市是全美生活费用最低的十个地区之一。
答:密苏里州大会计硕士学位项目有严格的学术标准,课程的教学计划、教学方法、教学管理模式和毕业要求细节可见密苏里州立大学研究生院网站,学生10门课程的平均成绩必须达到3.0(即B)且不能有超过三门课程拿到C或任一课程成绩低于 C-。如果学生在美一年学习期间有个别课程未通过,密苏里州大将尽量安排学生在一年学习期间正常上课的同时补修未通过的课程,并将免除补修课程的所有学费(但如果是因为学术不端行为则除外)。如果学生在美学习一年之后仍然有个别课程未通过,学校可以安排学生延期签证留校补修或回国通过特别安排的网络课程补修。一年学习期过后学生补修课程需支付少量费用,补修后达到研究生毕业成绩要求的即可获得学位。
1)Intermediate Accounting
Financial accounting theory applications to the accounting process of corporations. Review of financial statements; accounting for current and long-term assets. Research assignments are required.
2)Managerial Cost Accounting
Function of cost accounting; means and methods of its applications in specific accounting situations.
3)Accounting and Management Information Systems
Accounting system examined as a crucial base for the desired comprehensive management information system of an organization. Impact of the computer on accounting systems controls and the auditing of EDP based accounting systems.
Kinds of audits, the duties and obligations of the auditor, principles and procedures to be followed in conducting an audit.
1)ACC 606 International Accounting
Accounting practices in different nations; multi-national corporation and selected accounting problems. Research assignments are required.
2)ACC 642 Data Analytics in Accounting
This course introduces students to data analytics tools and techniques in accounting. Topics include: statistical techniques, data analysis, and visualization. This course uses Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and other data analysis tools to implement and apply applications of these concepts and techniques.
3)ACC 655 Internal Auditing
Functions of internal audit, financial audit, and operations audit; importance of the changing professional status of the internal auditor.
4)ACC 656 Operational Auditing
Primarily a case study approach covering nonfinancial audits of efficient and effective resource utilization, accomplishment of operational goals, adherence to laws and regulations, fraud prevention and detection, integrity and security of computer systems, and achievement of program goals.
5)ACC 712 Controllership and Cost Analytics
An in-depth examination of the leadership and communication challenges associated with controllership and chief financial officer (CFO) roles. There will be an emphasis on developing a cost analytics skill set vital for modern day use of emerging technologies by controllers and CFOs. Students will develop written and oral communication skills required for success as a professional accountant.
6)ACC 715 Advanced Cost Accounting
An in-depth study of contemporary topics for cost accountants.
7)ACC 731 Control of Non-Profit Organizations
Case study approach to financial control in non-profit organizations. Special emphasis is on governmental and health care organizations, although other non-profit organizations are also studied.
8)ACC 732 Governmental and Not-For-Profit Organizational Accounting
Governmental and not-for-profit organizational accounting records and funds, budgeting, budget control, analysis and interpretation of financial statements. Research assignments are required.
9)ACC 741 Advanced Accounting and Management Information Systems
Application of the concepts of systems design and implementation. Study of the attributes of accounting information systems and their relationship with management information systems. Functions of accounting information systems including data collection and transmission, internal controls, data organizations and storage, processing data, and information retrieval and display. Characteristics and applications of both manual and automated information systems.
10)ACC 751 Computer Forensics and IT Auditing
A study of information systems controls; auditing around, through, and with the computer; auditing advanced computer systems, spreadsheets and other fourth generation language applications. Hands-on computer auditing projects will be integrated into the course.
11)ACC 752 Fraud Examination
An in-depth study of the fraud examination process, including fraud prevention, detection, investigation, and management and employee fraud, and the legal aspects of fraud. Case studies are used extensively throughout the course.
12)ACC 754 Forensic Accounting: Litigation Support and Expert Witnessing
This course explores one of the major areas of practice in forensic accounting. The course provides an in-depth investigation into the world of accounting litigation support and financial expert witnessing. The course requires students to actively participate in case analysis, development of expert reports, deposition testimony, and trial testimony. Students are exposed to the legal issues that impact on their role as an expert witness.
13)ACC 790 Current Topics in Corporate and International Accounting
In consultation with the coordinating professor, critical evaluation and interpretation of the current topics and professional literature in accounting. Study of ethical and institutional features of the accounting environment with emphasis on technology. Completion of a significant research project.
1)ECO 656 Comparative Economics Systems
This course examines the differing institutions of national economies. Students examine economic systems in various countries, past and present. The focus is on strategies countries use to compete globally, promote economic growth and development, provide for the public good, and protect various national interests in an increasingly global environment. Students also examine the ongoing evolution economic systems around the world, especially with regard to balancing the roles played by markets and governments in the economy
Introduction to the key concepts of international trade and finance with a focus on the fundamental theories of international economics. Topics include the gains from and the patterns of international trade, protectionism, exchange rate determination and government policy intervention.
3)FIN 682 International Financial Management
This course is designed to survey how the key concepts of business finance can be applied in the context of a multinational firm. Topics include: the nature and functioning of the foreign exchange market, parity conditions, foreign exchange risk management, and international investment and financing decisions.
4)FIN 686 International Financial Statement Analysis
An introduction to the study of international financial statement analysis emphasizing the financial statement analysis portion of the common body of knowledge from the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program
5)FIN 780 Advanced Financial Management
An advanced study of the theory and practice of corporate financial management, including financial analysis and forecasting, working capital, capital budgeting, cost of capital, capital structure, mergers and acquisitions, and valuation. The course utilizes cases to emphasize both theory and technology in supporting sound financial decision-making.
6)ITC 760 Foundations of Cybersecurity
This course is an introduction to the basic issues in computer security. While technical in nature, this course is introductory in its approach in that the student is not required to have an extensive background in programming or technical support. A significant research project is required.
7)MGT 747 International Management
A study of management theory and practices as related to international organizations that are multinational in nature. Emphasis is placed on analyzing, understanding, and integrating managerial concepts as they apply to cross-cultural settings. Students are required to complete a research project.
8)MGT 764 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Study of individual and group behavior viewed from a managerial perspective within the organizational setting. Attention is focused on applications by managers of theory and research about the interaction between human beings and the formal organization, with emphasis on individual differences, interpersonal relations, and small group dynamics.
9)MGT 767 Organization Strategy and Policy
Integration of the functional areas of business via the strategic planning process. Emphasis is placed upon the formulation, implementation, and control of an organization's mission, objectives, strategies, and policies as determined by external and internal analyses.
10)QBA 775 Quantitative Methods in Business Decision Making
A study of quantitative methods used to improve the decision-making process in business. Major topics include constrained optimization models, forecasting models, distribution/network models, simulation models, and project scheduling.